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Piles in Females (Women): Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Piles is a common condition that affects many people, including women. Piles or hemorrhoids are common in people but only become noticeable when they become inflamed or enlarged, causing discomfort and pain. This can result from several factors, such as a sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy, constipation, and obesity.

In women, piles can be particularly painful and humiliating, causing pain and discomfort during the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy, and during childbirth. In addition, it may be challenging for women to ask for assistance and support due to the stigma associated with piles. But piles can be effectively managed, and even prevented, with the proper treatment and attention, giving women a better quality of life.

Severe cases may need medical attention, such as surgical removal, while mild cases can be managed with lifestyle modifications.

What are Piles in Women?

Hemorrhoids, or piles, may affect both sexes. However, because pregnancy and childbirth put pressure on the veins in the rectal area, they can make women more susceptible to developing piles. In addition, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, and a low-fiber diet can raise a woman’s risk of developing piles.

Although piles can develop at any age, they are more common in pregnancy, affecting between 25% and 35% of women, particularly in the third trimester.

Understanding Different Types and Pile Symptoms in Females (Women)

Piles in women can be classified into several types based on the location and severity of swollen veins in the anal area. To diagnose piles quickly and treat them effectively, one must be aware of their various forms. The different kinds of piles consist of: 

  • External hemorrhoids: These are extremely uncomfortable swollen lumps that are visible from the outside. These hemorrhoids frequently hurt when sitting, urinating, or engaging in regular physical activity.
  • Internal hemorrhoids: Since they develop inside the rectum, they are invisible from the outside. Often, no apparent symptoms are there.

But they can be forced out of the anal opening if they are subjected to pressure and friction repeatedly; this condition is called prolapsed hemorrhoids.

  • Prolapsed hemorrhoids: internal hemorrhoids that push out are referred to as prolapsed hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids can be divided into the following grades based on how severe they are:
    • Grade 1 Hemorrhoids: The hemorrhoids of this type are located within the anal canal. They are usually small, inflame very little, and are often painless. Females with this type of piles may experience painless bleeding after having a bowel movement.
    • Grade 2 Hemorrhoids: Swelling is more noticeable than in Grade 1. The swelling may bulge outward during bowel movements, but it eventually returns to its original position on its own.
    • Grade 3 Hemorrhoids: This grade is characterized by swelling outside the anal opening, which makes a lump visible. Hemorrhoids that prolapse need to be manually pushed back into place with the fingertips.
    • Grade 4 Hemorrhoids: This advanced stage is characterized by a noticeable outward bulge and possible protrusion from the rectum. Forced repositioning fails to keep them in place. This condition may or may not be accompanied by bleeding, and pain may develop if clotting happens or if the hemorrhoids become constricted by the anal opening.
  • Thrombosed hemorrhoids: These hemorrhoids form a blood clot, or “thrombus,” inside of themselves. These are very painful. If pain is not relieved by conservative treatment, blood clot removal, and drainage, also known as “thrombectomy,” is typically performed to provide relief.

Piles never get better on their own. With time these will worsen for sure and progress from Grade I to Grade IV which may result in infection, strangulation of Pile mass, or thrombosis which may need emergency surgery so it is always advisable to get Piles in Females treated at their earliest.

-Dr. Ravinder Sharma MS (Ayurveda) Sr. Proctologist, Piles To Smiles, New Delhi

Symptoms of Piles in Females:

Hemorrhoids are asymptomatic and painless in about 40% of cases. However, the following early signs of piles in female patients are observed in the remaining 60% of patients:

  • Rectal Bleeding: In females with first-grade internal piles, painless rectal bleeding is a common symptom. As a result, bright red blood might show up on the stools’ surfaces, the toilet paper, or the toilet bowl. Bleeding should be treated as soon as possible by a doctor who specializes in piles because it can be severe enough to cause the patient to faint from low blood pressure.
  • Pain and Discomfort: When a woman has thrombosed piles, it can cause intense pain and discomfort, particularly when it comes to bowel movements. The condition may worsen due to external factors like extended sitting or activities that apply pressure to the affected area.
  • Itching and Irritation: Swollen veins in the rectum and anus may cause an itchy and irritating sensation. When a woman has hemorrhoids, her quality of life may be negatively impacted by this persistent discomfort.
  • Inflammation and Swelling: Hemorrhoids may cause lumps or edema to develop around the anus. Inflammation may accompany this, which makes sitting and moving around uncomfortable.
  • Protrusion or Prolapse: Severe cases (3rd and 4th-grade internal hemorrhoids) may cause internal piles to protrude or prolapse during bowel movements outside the anal opening. This may be associated with an external lump or a sensation of fullness.
  • Mucous Discharge: Some females with piles may have mucous discharge from their rectum. This discharge can add to a feeling of wetness and discomfort and is typically linked to 4th-grade internal hemorrhoids. 
  • Pain during physical activity or while sitting: Hemorrhoids can be uncomfortable or painful during physical activity or sitting, especially if the piles are prolapsed or thrombosed.
  • Pain and discomfort during sexual activity: Women may occasionally feel pain and discomfort during sexual activity, which may be brought on by the pressure of their hemorrhoids pressing against the vaginal wall.
  • Incomplete Bowel Movements: A feeling of incomplete evacuation can result from piles interfering with regular bowel movements. This may intensify the symptoms of hemorrhoids and start a vicious cycle of straining.

Common Causes of Piles in Females (Women):

The cause of piles is usually increased pressure in the lower rectum and anal space, which pushes veins outward and causes them to enlarge into lumps. Hemorrhoids in women are frequently caused by the following: 

  • Straining while passing stools causes increased pressure on veins in the lower rectum and anus. This causes inflammation and swelling of the veins, which eventually leads to hemorrhoids. 
  • Constipation: this condition increases the risk of hemorrhoids, causes straining during bowel movements, and causes uncomfortable in the veins surrounding the rectum. 
  • Prolonged sitting or standing: Women who sit or stand for extended periods may experience restricted blood flow in their lower bodies, which can lead to vein enlargement and swelling.
  • A diet lacking in fiber: Increasing the water content of stools through fiber helps them become larger and thus easy to pass. A diet low in fiber can cause constipation, which contributes to piles.
  • Hormonal Fluctuations: During menstruation and pregnancy, hormonal fluctuations may affect blood vessel integrity, increasing the risk of edema and hemorrhoid formation.
  • Pregnancy and Increased Pressure: Women experience piles most frequently during pregnancy because the baby presses against the pelvic region as it descends into the pelvic cavity at around 36 weeks. This pressure causes the anal and rectal blood vessels to enlarge, which in turn causes the formation of piles. 
  • Straining during labor and delivery: Hemorrhoids can develop because of strain during labor and delivery.
  • Hereditary Predisposition: Hemorrhoids may be inherited by certain females. People may be more likely to develop the condition themselves if there is a family history of it.
  • Excessive weightlifting: Lifting weights too much can put pressure on the lower body, which can cause piles to develop.
  • Being overweight or leading a sedentary lifestyle: Being inactive can slow metabolism, which in turn causes constipation—a condition that can eventually result in piles. 
  • Diarrhea: In females, this is another major cause of piles. Hemorrhoids can become more irritated and swollen due to frequent or prolonged episodes of diarrhea, which can enhance discomfort and inflammation.
  • Aging: Although they can affect people of any age, hemorrhoids are more common in those over 50.

Ksharsutra treatment for Piles in females is a non-invasive treatment requiring no hospitalization or bed rest, the patient can resume her normal routine activities on the same day of treatment. It is an effective, even permanent fix of the Piles in females. Complications are rare and not usually serious.

- Dr. Ravinder Sharma, MS (Ayurveda)

Diagnosing Piles in Females (Women):

Piles in women usually get diagnosed through a physical examination by a physician. When a patient is suspected of having piles, the doctor will closely inspect their anus. Before proceeding, the doctor will inquire about the following:

  • History of piles in the family
  • Changes in bowel movements; 
  • Blood or mucus in the stools
  • Recent weight loss; 

For female internal piles, the physician may utilize a proctoscope or a digital rectal examination (DRE). A proctoscope is a hollow tube with a light inside that gives the doctor a close-up view of the anal canal. A tiny tissue sample from inside the rectum may also be taken for additional analysis.

If the patient has symptoms of another digestive system illness or exhibits any risk factors for colorectal cancer, the proctologist might recommend a colonoscopy.

Treatment Options for Piles in Women: 

There are a few non-surgical treatment options for piles in women, though surgery might be required in severe cases. These include over-the-counter medicines, home remedies, and changes in diet to help control the symptoms and promote healing.

Home Remedies for Piles in Women

Although there are medical treatments for female piles, some women find that using home remedies for piles helps to reduce their symptoms. Following are a few home remedies for female piles:

  • Sitz bath: 1-2 times a day, the affected anal region needs to be soaked in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes. The muscles in and around the anal region can be relaxed and blood flow can be enhanced with a Sitz Bath. Go to How to Take a Sitz Bath: Procedure and Benefits to find out how to do that.
  • Over-the-counter remedies: To help ease pain and discomfort fast, you can buy a soothing ointment.
  • Stool softeners: these medications can ease constipation and facilitate bowel movements, lowering the chances of straining and aggravating the anal area further.
  • Pelvic floor exercises, or Kegels: Kegel exercises can strengthen the muscles in the pelvic floor, providing additional support for the veins in the lower abdomen. 
  • Try not to strain when using your toilet.
  • Avoid medication that causes diarrhea and constipation; 
  • Engage in regular exercise

Dietary Changes for Piles in Women

  • A high-fiber diet can prevent constipation and promote regular bowel movements in women with piles (hemorrhoids). Fiber-rich foods include:
    • Fruits like pears, berries, and prunes.
    • Vegetables: broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes, leafy greens, etc. 
    • Whole grains, such as oatmeal and brown rice
    • Legumes high in fiber include lentils, chickpeas, and beans.
  • Keeping yourself hydrated with lots of water and other liquids is just as important as eating enough fiber. 
  • Reducing your intake of processed, fried, and spicy foods can also help ease pile symptoms.

Non-surgical medical treatments for Piles in women:

If none of the aforementioned home treatments work, you should consult a physician immediately. Certain non-surgical medical treatments may be recommended by your doctor, such as:

  • Electrotherapy: An electric current is used to cause the piles to shrink.
  • Sclerotherapy: The size of the piles is reduced by injecting a liquid into them.
  • Infrared coagulation: In this technique, hemorrhoids are made smaller by cutting off their blood supply with infrared light.
  • Rubber band ligation: Using rubber bands and a tiny instrument known as a ligator, this technique cuts off the hemorrhoids’ blood supply, causing them to shrink and fall off.
  • Cryotherapy: Applying freezing temperatures to tissues for therapeutic purposes results in tissue destruction.
  • Doppler-guided haemorrhoidal artery ligation: This treatment causes fibrosis (shrinkage) by cutting off the artery supply to the rectum and anal canal.
  • Kshar Karma Treatment for Piles in Women: The unique ayurvedic drug Kshara is applied in the anal passage at the site of pile masses as part of this treatment. The bleeding stops and the pile shrinks when Kshar is applied. Kshar karma treatment is advised for females with first- and early-stage internal hemorrhoids.

Surgical Treatment of Piles in Women:

If non-surgical treatments do not work for hemorrhoids, surgery might be necessary. Surgical methods for treating hemorrhoids in women include the following:

  • Hemorrhoidectomy: This treatment eliminates hemorrhoids that have prolapsed internally or externally. Surgery to excise hemorrhoid(s) may be the only effective course of action when banding or other treatments are ineffective in treating a grade 3 or 4 pile. The process is carried out under general anesthesia. On the other hand, the days that follow the procedure may be extremely painful.
  • Stapled Haemorrhoidectomy: Using a stapling tool, internal hemorrhoids are either pulled back into the anus or removed entirely. A circular stapling gun is used to remove a circular portion of the anal canal lining above the piles. The piles are consequently drawn back up in the anal passage.
  • Laser Surgery: Hemorrhoids can be made smaller by using laser surgery, which involves cutting off the hemorrhoids’ blood supply.

However, because of the potential complications that may affect the developing fetus or the mother, they are not recommended for pregnant women. The third trimester of pregnancy carries a higher risk of these complications than the preceding trimesters.

  • Ksharsutra Treatment for Female Piles: The Ksharsutra treatment involves ligating a medicated thread at the base of the mass of piles. It stops the blood flow to the pile mass, causing it to shed in a week or ten days. It is recommended that men with late-stage internal piles (stages two, three, and four) receive Ksharsutra treatment.

Benefits Of Ksharsutra Treatment for Piles in Females

Benefits of Ksharsutra Treatment for female piles include the following:

  • No hospital stay is necessary; 
  • Less pain than other surgical procedures for female piles; 
  • Safer and more effective course of treatment
  • Less bleeding during the procedure; 
  • Quick healing; 
  • A shorter recovery period; 
  • No cuts, open wounds, or sutures; 
  • Early return to activities;
  • Less time is needed to treat women’s piles; 
  • Success rate is higher; 
  • Follow-up visits are fewer; 
  • There is no or very little chance of post-surgical infections; 
  • There is no or very little tissue damage

Prevention of Piles in Women

Adopting certain healthy lifestyle habits can help prevent piles in women. Some preventative measures against piles in women are listed below. Women who already have piles can also benefit from these. Some examples include:

  • Avoid spending too much time sitting on the toilet: Prolonged sitting puts needless strain on the veins in and around the anus, increasing the likelihood that women may develop piles. 
  • Avoid straining: One major reason why women get piles is straining during bowel movements. In other words, try not to strain too much and just use light pressure.
  • Quickly Attend to Bowel Urges: To avoid stool hardening and reduce the chance of straining, respond quickly to the urge to have a bowel movement.
  • Customize your diet: The consistency of your stool is influenced by your diet. Constipation can result from hard stools, and when this happens, the pressure from passing feces increases significantly, increasing the chances of developing piles. You can reduce your chances of constipation and prevent piles by maintaining a healthy diet and drinking lots of water. A diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is recommended. It is essential to incorporate foods high in fiber into the diet. Isabgol and Triphala are two popular Ayurvedic fiber supplements. 
  • Exercise: Keep yourself moving to avoid constipation and to release vein pressure from long-standing or sitting. Exercising can also help in weight loss, which could be the cause of your hemorrhoids.
  • Kegel exercises: These exercises are especially helpful for women because they strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, supporting the rectal veins and reducing the risk of hemorrhoids.
  • Keep a healthy weight: Overweight and obesity can raise the risk of hemorrhoids. Therefore, be mindful of your weight.
  • Avoid heavy lifting: Abstaining from heavy lifting can help relieve hemorrhoids by putting away strain from the rectum and anus veins.
  • Practice good hygiene: It is important to keep the anal region dry and clean to prevent piles in women. It is advised to clean the area with mild, fragrance-free wipes or just water after having a bowel movement.
  • Mindful Eating: Avoid difficult-to-digest foods, especially if you are expecting. These foods tend to cause hemorrhoids due to their excessive pressure on the anus. To reduce strain, choose foods that are simple to digest.
  • Refrain from sitting for too long: Prolonged sitting puts undue strain on the veins in and around the anus. This makes pile development more likely.

Complications of Delayed Piles Treatment in Women:

A woman’s quality of life may be considerably negatively affected by many complications that can arise from piles if treatment is not received. To prevent and treat piles, it is important for women to be aware of the risks involved and to seek medical assistance if they show any symptom. Some of the complications are:

  • The disease gets worse from Grade I to Grade IV
  • Thrombosis: A blood clot inside the hemorrhoid causes excruciating pain and swelling.
  • Infection: A hemorrhoid infection may result in fever, chills, and excruciating pain.
  • Strangulation: This is a condition in which the hemorrhoid gets stuck outside the anal opening, cutting off its blood supply and resulting in excruciating pain and tissue death.
  • Anemia: prolonged hemorrhoid bleeding can result in anemia, a low red blood cell count that can exacerbate weakness and fatigue.
  • Psychological distress: Anxiety, depression, and social isolation can result from persistent hemorrhoid symptoms, such as pain, bleeding, and itching.
  • Fecal incontinence: The muscles that regulate bowel function can weaken because of repeated straining during bowel movements, resulting in involuntary bowel movements.

Piles in Pregnant Women

Pregnant women are more susceptible to hemorrhoids, particularly in the third trimester or in the days following delivery. The following are the most typical causes of piles in women: 

About half of pregnant women experience hemorrhoids. The main cause is increased blood volume during pregnancy and the resulting vein swelling.

Constipation is another factor contributing to piles in pregnant women. Reduced gut motility during constipation causes a slowdown in bowel movement. This occurs because of the progesterone hormone levels rising during pregnancy.

The mother may experience piles in the days after giving birth if the delivery is extremely stressful. But by making a few lifestyle modifications, this uncomfortable period in pregnancy can be avoided.

Click Pile During Pregnancy to read in detail.

Who is the Best Piles Specialist in Delhi NCR?

Hemorrhoids are very common, affecting 40–50% of the population. Even after trying home remedies and making necessary lifestyle changes, piles symptoms in females can be serious at times.

Piles To Smiles is the best option if you’re looking for a piles clinic in Delhi NCR. You can find the Best Doctor for Piles in Delhi NCR at this specialized AnoRectal Treatment Center, which offers non-surgical or minimal surgical treatment for AnoRectal health problems like piles, fistula, fissure, pilonidal sinus, etc. 

It is always advisable for patients to consult with a Piles specialist if their hemorrhoids do not go away after a week. Female patients with different kinds of piles, especially those that occur during pregnancy and after childbirth, can be treated by qualified pile surgeons. Schedule a consultation with our top-rated Piles Doctor to receive more details or customized treatment.


Faqs about Piles in women

Yes, piles can affect women as well. Constipation, straining during defecation, prolonged sitting on a toilet seat, excessive weightlifting, pregnancy, or vaginal delivery are the causes of piles in women.

The following factors may contribute to piles in females:

  • Straining during bowel movements;
  • Chronic constipation or diarrhea;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Obesity;
  • Prolonged sitting or standing;
  • Aging

Yes, for females, pregnancy is a risk factor for piles. Hormonal changes, weight gain leading to increased abdominal pressure, and increased pressure on the rectum and anal area from the growing fetus are the reasons for piles during pregnancy.

Hormonal changes, weight gain, and increased pressure on the rectum from the growing fetus are the main causes of piles in pregnant women.

No, the idea that piles will disappear on their own in a few days is one of the biggest lies. The truth is that Piles only get worse with time if they are not treated promptly.

Due to their low fiber content, processed, unhealthy, and spicy foods, as well as deep-fried foods, may cause piles in women. They also make piles worse by making digestion difficult and causing constipation.

Stress causes abnormal gut function and elevated blood pressure, both of which can lead to piles in females.

The following are some of the symptoms of piles in females:

  • Swelling or a lump;
  • Itching or irritation;
  • Pain or discomfort;
  • Bleeding during bowel movements that may be seen in the toilet bowl or on toilet paper;
  • Mucus discharge.

First-degree hemorrhoids, or first-stage woman piles, are not visible from outside the anus. Usually, they result in minor symptoms like painless bleeding during a bowel movement.

If there is blood after your bowel movement, lump-type feeling around the anus, itchiness in the anus, and mucus even after wiping with tissues are some of the indications to note for piles.

No, piles are not dangerous or life-threatening. However, piles can be extremely uncomfortable and painful, and they can worsen over time, so it’s best to get treatment for them as soon as possible.

Yes, piles in females can affect marital life. Increased blood flow and arousal following sex naturally raise pressure in and around the anal region. Such elevated pressure could make piles worse.

Female piles can result in increased pain, infection, and bleeding that can cause anemia, thrombosis, and strangulation of the pile mass if left untreated.

Yes, it is possible to fully cure female piles. While closed/open hemorrhoidectomy, laser treatment, and Ksharsutra ligation of the pile mass are advised in the third and fourth grades, diet, and lifestyle modifications, sclerotherapy, infrared coagulation, rubber band ligation, and Kshar Karma are advised in the first and second grades.

Certain lifestyle modifications can provide relief from mild hemorrhoid symptoms, including first- and early second-grade hemorrhoids, in as little as two to seven days. These adjustments include increasing water intake and consuming foods high in fiber. The healing process may take longer in certain advanced cases, such as third and fourth-grade hemorrhoids.

Fruits that are good for piles include raspberries, pears, pineapple, and papaya. These are healthy sources of dietary fiber, which makes stools bulkier and easier to pass.

Hemorrhoids can be avoided by eating a high-fiber diet, drinking plenty of water, avoiding extended periods of sitting or standing and adopting healthy bathroom practices like not straining during bowel movements.

Pelvic muscle exercises help in the prevention and treatment of piles. The following yoga poses can help with improved blood circulation in the rectal area: Adho Mukha Svanasana, Balasana, Pawanmuktasana, Malasana, Mulabandhasana, Baddha Konasana, Ardha matsyendrasana, Viparita Karani.

No, self-diagnosing any medical condition—including female piles, or hemorrhoids—is not appropriate. A medical examination by an experienced proctologist is necessary for a correct diagnosis because piles can have a variety of symptoms and severity levels, and other conditions can also have symptoms that are similar to piles.

Understanding piles in women is essential for recognizing and managing this common condition.

  • A proctologist will usually perform a physical examination of the rectum and anus to diagnose piles in women.
  • During the examination, the physician may look inside the rectum and anal canal using a gloved finger or an anoscope, a tiny tube with a light.
  • A sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, which allows the physician to examine the entire length of the colon and rectum, may be required in some cases.
  • If bleeding is present in conjunction with the piles, the physician may also suggest additional testing, such as a stool culture or a fecal occult blood test, to rule out other potential causes of bleeding.

Some quick remedies for piles include using hemorrhoid creams, having a warm hip bath, and avoiding constipation and straining during defecation.

Gynecologists can treat female patients with first- and second-grade hemorrhoids because they are easily controlled with dietary and lifestyle modifications. Gynecologists are not qualified to treat female patients with advanced hemorrhoids (3rd and 4th grade hemorrhoids).

However, for the treatment of piles in females, it is best to contact proctologists.

Pregnant women should avoid piles surgery because it requires anesthesia, which could harm the developing fetus. In addition, there is a risk of bleeding, infection, and other issues that make piles surgery unsafe to undergo while pregnant.

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Piles in Men – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

As cushions around the anal canal, hemorrhoids are a normal component of the human anatomy and help in controlling bowel movements. They do, however, consist of many blood vessels. Excessive straining can cause them to swell and become annoying. This can lead to symptoms like bright red blood when one goes to the toilet, lumps around the anus, discomfort, and itching. 

Men are more likely to have it than women, especially those over 50.

Piles formation may result from straining while using toilets or from overexerting it when working out, but there are many options for relief and treatment. Piles in men can be initially treated with over-the-counter drugs and home remedies; however, surgery becomes necessary later.

Piles/ Hemorrhoids can affect both men and women, and it is predicted that three out of every four of us will have piles at least once. 

What Are Piles in Men and How do Men get piles?

The hemorrhoidal cushions, which are made of spongy tissue and fed with blood vessels, line our anus and help in its closure. While these are normal, they occasionally tend to develop into piles, particularly if blood accumulation causes them to enlarge. Piles are typically shaped like little, spherical, discolored lumps. These may be felt on the surface of the anus or hanging down from the anal opening.

What are the different types of piles in men?

Piles can be classified based on their location, the severity of symptoms, and the pathology that contributed to their development. Different types of hemorrhoids that affect males are: 

  • Internal piles are found deeper within the anal canal, and the patient usually complains of bright red bleeding when using the restroom. Bleeding is painless.
  • External piles, on the other hand, are those that develop closer to the surface of the anus and are frequently extremely sensitive and painful. These could feel like lumps close to the anal opening. 

A man can potentially have both internal and external hemorrhoids at the same time. 

  • Prolapsed piles are internal hemorrhoids that have come out of the anal opening and become noticeable. These are quite painful at times.
  • Thrombosed piles, which are typically external hemorrhoids with blood clots formed, are also frequently extremely painful.

Grading of Internal Piles in Men: 

Internal piles in men are graded on a four-point scale by proctologists.

  • Grade 1 refers to small swellings on the anal canal’s inner lining. From outside the anus opening, they are not apparent and cannot be felt or seen. When a fellow tries to defecate, he complains of painless bleeding. 
  • Grade 2 is more severe. When someone strains to defecate, they protrude from the anus, but they go back inside on their own. 
  • Grade 3 comes out of the anus and will not return unless the fellow pushes them back in with physical force.
  • Grade 4 prolapses and hangs there permanently, making it impossible for a fellow to push them back inside. 

Causes & Symptoms of Piles in Males

What causes piles in men? / Causes of Piles in Men

Some common causes of piles in men are listed below.  They are closely associated with elevated pressure in the anal tissues and blood vessels. 

  • Straining and constipation: Excessive straining on the toilet is a common cause of hemorrhoids in men. There are two reasons for this. One reason is that prolonged sitting on the toilet relaxes the anus, which opens the door for blood to enter the hemorrhoids. Second, straining, which is frequently brought on by constipation, can put too much strain on the veins and blood vessels surrounding the anus, causing them to swell up and bleed.
  • Inadequate dietary fiber: Hemorrhoids in men are frequently caused by a diet deficient in fiber. A man who is low in fiber is much more likely to experience constipation and overstrain himself on the toilet, as fiber helps to keep tools softer.
  • Obesity: It should come as no surprise that being overweight can increase the risk of developing piles because it puts strain on the blood vessels, which is a common cause of hemorrhoids.
  • Prolonged Sitting: Sitting for extended periods may increase the risk of piles.
  • Heavy Lifting: Men who lift large, heavy objects regularly run the risk of piles developing. This is due to the possibility of anal vein inflammation caused by the strain of lifting large weights.
  • Aging: A man’s body’s tissues, particularly those in the rectum and anus, weaken with age, increasing his risk of hemorrhoids.
  • Hereditary factors: Some people may inherit a weakness of the wall of the veins in the anal region.
  • A persistent cough
  • Increased anal tone

What are the symptoms of piles in men?

The following lists some typical signs of piles in men that are simple to recognize:

  • Bleeding During or After Bowel Movements: Hemorrhoids can cause spontaneous bleeding during or after bowel movements.
  • Lump around the Anus: An internal hemorrhoid may feel as if something is coming out from the anal opening that goes in on its own or requires manual pushing back. If it is an external hemorrhoid, there might be a lump or swelling associated with the anal opening.
  • Itching and Burning in the Anal Area: The anal area may experience burning or itching due to swollen veins.
  • Feeling of Incomplete Bowel Movement: Hemorrhoids may restrict the normal passage of stool and result in the feeling of an incomplete bowel movement.
  • Some discomfort While Sitting: Pressure on the enlarged veins in the rectum and anus may cause pain while sitting.
  • A slimy mucus discharge from the anus that might stain the undergarments, if it is a prolapsed hemorrhoid,

These symptoms can differ greatly from person to person. In addition to piles, other conditions like colon cancer, anal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, and anal fissures (tears) may also be the cause. Therefore, do not assume that piles are the cause of any symptoms you may be experiencing; instead, seek advice from a nearby proctologist.

Piles Diagnosis in Males

You should consult with a qualified proctologist physician if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms. Based on the patient’s medical history and physical examination, a skilled proctologist can identify piles in men. By looking closely at the region surrounding the anus, he can recognize external hemorrhoids. But to recognize internal piles in men, the proctologist will perform a digital rectal examination and may opt to look inside the rectum and anal canal using techniques like sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, and anoscopy.

What Is the Treatment of Piles in Males? / Piles Treatment in Males

In most cases, piles in men can be cured without the need for medication or other treatments. There are several non-surgical ways to treat piles.

Home Remedies for Piles in Men

Home remedies are helpful methods for managing piles. A few natural remedies consist of:

  • Sitz Bath: This healing method involves sitting in a warm tub of water. It decreases burning and itching in the pelvic region.
  • Aloe Vera Oil: It decreases burning and itching from piles because of its inherent anti-inflammatory properties. You only need to gently massage the affected area with a small amount of aloe vera oil.
  • Coconut Oil: Like Aloe Vera oil, coconut oil can be rubbed into the anal passage to ease burning or itching sensations.

Food Modifications for Piles in Men

Another way to lessen the likelihood of piles is with food. You could do the following:

  • High-fiber foods: Eating foods high in fiber can help soften stools and ease constipation, both of which comfort hemorrhoids in men. Whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and bran are some of these foods.
  • Vitamin C: An antioxidant that can potentially strengthen blood vessels, lower inflammation, and improve immune system performance. It can also lessen the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Vitamin C-rich foods like broccoli, bell peppers, and citrus fruits are excellent additions to your diet.
  • Flavonoids: Plant compounds found in foods high in flavonoids can strengthen blood vessels and lower inflammation, which may help in piles symptoms. These foods include dark chocolate, berries, and citrus fruits.
  • Probiotics: Eat curd as part of your diet for probiotics. It has beneficial bacteria that can regulate bowel movements and enhance gut health, which can lower the risk of constipation and piles symptoms.
  • Limit Red Meat: Red meat is difficult to digest and exacerbates the symptoms of piles; instead, choose other forms of protein.
  • Avoid Processed Foods: Processed foods often contain high amounts of unhealthy fats, salt, and sugar, which can aggravate the condition by causing inflammation, digestive troubles, and other health problems. Avoid these foods to manage the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Lifestyle Changes for Piles in Men

By making lifestyle modifications, hemorrhoids can be kept from getting worse. Hemorrhoids can be effectively relieved with these non-surgical methods. A few modifications consist of:

  • Stay Hydrated: It’s advised to maintain hydration to soften stool and facilitate bowel movements, which will lessen pressure and strain on the afflicted veins and help heal hemorrhoids.
  • Exercise: Engaging in regular exercise helps enhance blood flow throughout the body. It relieves constipation, which can play a role in the emergence of hemorrhoids.
  • Use a donut pillow or a cushioned seat pad: Certain activities, like sitting, may be particularly challenging for someone who has external hemorrhoids. Therefore, using a donut pillow or cushioned seat pad will be very beneficial.
  • Do not strain when you go to the toilet
  • Do not sit for a long time for defecation

Over-the-counter medicines for Piles in Men:

  • A fiber supplement like ispaghula husk or mild laxatives like Triphala or Haritaki powder can soften a man’s hard-to-pass stool.
  • Painkillers available over-the-counter, like paracetamol, may help reduce pile-related discomfort. Avoid taking opioid-containing painkillers, such as codeine, as they may exacerbate your constipation issues.
  • Pain and itching from piles may be reduced with the use of suppositories, ointments, and soothing creams. A wide variety of products are offered over the counter. Use these for no more than a few days at a time as they may cause skin sensitivity.

Non-Surgical Treatment for Piles in Men:

Non-surgical treatments for hemorrhoids may be explored if home remedies and medication fail to provide relief. These consist of:

  • Sclerotherapy: The hemorrhoid is injected with a liquid known as a sclerosant, such as Phenol in oil, which reduces the blood supply and causes the hemorrhoid to shrink. This results in a fibrotic reaction that scars and obliterates the blood vessels that supply the piles. In piles of Grade 1 and early Grade 2, it is advised.
  • Rubber Band Ligation: This technique involves ligating the hemorrhoid’s root with a rubber band that causes tissue death. As a result, piles start to collapse. For piles of grades 2 and 3, banding is the most used pile treatment.
  • Electrotherapy: This involves shrinking the hemorrhoid with an electrical current after it eventually falls off. Heat energy is used in diathermy and electrotherapy to destroy the piles. They seem to be as successful as infrared coagulation, and there is little chance of complications.
  • Infrared Coagulation: This technique uses infrared light to shrink the hemorrhoid. Using infrared light to burn and cut off the hemorrhoid’s circulation, this pile treatment technique reduces the hemorrhoid’s size. For first- and second-degree piles, it may be just as successful as injection sclerotherapy and banding treatment.
  • Kshar Karma Treatment for Piles in Men: This treatment involves applying a unique ayurvedic medication called Kshara in the anal passage at the location of pile masses. The application of Kshar causes the pile mass to decrease and the bleeding to stop. For males with first- and early- 2nd stage internal hemorrhoids, kshar karma treatment is recommended.

Surgical Treatment of Piles in Men

Surgery may be indicated for hemorrhoids if non-surgical treatments are ineffective. Hemorrhoids in men can be treated surgically using a variety of techniques, including:

  • Hemorrhoidectomy: This procedure removes prolapsed internal or external hemorrhoids. When banding or other methods fail to treat a grade 3 or 4 pile, surgery to remove the hemorrhoid(s) may be the only viable option. General anesthesia is used during the procedure. It can, however, be extremely painful in the days that follow the procedure.
  • Stapled Haemorrhoidectomy: Internal hemorrhoids are either pulled back into the anus or removed completely using a stapling instrument. Above the piles, a circular section of the anal canal lining is removed using a circular stapling gun. As a result, the piles are drawn back up in the anal passage.
  • Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation: By cutting off the hemorrhoids’ blood supply, this minimally invasive treatment causes the hemorrhoids to shrink and eventually fall off. Under the guidance of ultrasonography, the small arteries supplying blood to the piles are tied or ligated.
  • Laser Surgery: To reduce the size of hemorrhoids, a surgeon uses a laser to cut off their blood supply. 
  • Ksharsutra Treatment for Piles in Men: The Ksharsutra treatment involves ligating a specialized medicated thread at the base of the pile mass. It causes the pile mass to stop receiving blood, which causes it to shed off in a week or ten days. Men with late second, third, and fourth stage internal piles are advised to undergo Ksharsutra treatment.

Why should you not delay piles treatment in men? Or Complications of Delayed Piles Treatment in Men:

Men tend to keep their medical conditions to themselves, avoid talking about their problems, and pass off their discomfort as momentary discomfort. Delaying treatment for male piles can lead to complications, however. If hemorrhoids are not treated promptly, they can result in problems like:

  • Masses of tissue hang out on the skin
  • Advancement of disease from Grade I to Grade IV
  • Rectal prolapse can be the result of continuous pressure during stools.
  • Worse Pain: Postponing pile treatment may result in worsening pain, itching, and discomfort in the affected area.
  • Excessive Bleeding: Untreated hemorrhoids can swell and become more inflammatory, which increases the risk of bleeding and anemia.
  • Extended Healing Period: Hemorrhoids that are not treated for a longer time may require a longer healing period for the affected area.
  • Thrombosis: If left untreated, hemorrhoids may thrombose, forming a blood clot inside them. This may result in extreme discomfort and require more intensive treatment.
  • Risk of Infection: Hemorrhoids have the potential to get infected leading to more pain, discomfort, and possible complications.
  • Effects on Quality of Life: Hemorrhoids can make it difficult to perform regular tasks like walking, sitting, and working out. Delaying treatment can have a lasting impact on one’s quality of life.
  • Need for Surgery: More invasive treatment options, like surgery, might be required to relieve hemorrhoids’ symptoms if they go untreated for a long time.

Prevention of Piles in Men

Early detection is key to preventing the condition’s progression and worsening of piles in men. Below are some strategies to avoid piles:

  • Healthy Food: Eating a diet high in fiber can help regulate bowel movements and prevent constipation, which helps maintain soft stool and prevent piles.
  • Weight management: By eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise, one can reduce the strain on the veins in the rectum and anus and minimize the chance of getting hemorrhoids.
  • Active Lifestyle: Regular physical activity lowers the risk of hemorrhoids by improving blood flow and preventing constipation.
  • Avoid straining while passing stool. This can cause hemorrhoids by putting pressure to the veins in the rectum and anus.
  • Refrain from Heavy Lifting: Hemorrhoids can result from lifting heavy objects, which can put pressure on the veins in the rectum and anus. It’s important to lift objects safely and to avoid picking up too heavy objects.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking lots of liquid and minimizing caffeinated beverages like tea and coffee.

FAQs about Piles in Men

Both men and women frequently have piles. However, males are more likely than females to develop piles, based on certain medical research.

Piles or hemorrhoids are common in people 45 to 65 years of age. However, an unhealthy diet and lifestyle can also cause piles to develop in younger boys and men.

No, piles do not cause cancer and are not carcinogenic.

Foods to avoid during piles include

  • Fast food,
  • Spicy food,
  • Processed food,
  • Red meat,
  • Caffeinated beverages, and
  • Alcohol.

The duration of piles symptoms in men is not pre-determined. However, it is advised to consult an experienced proctologist for further advice if the symptoms haven’t gone away after a few days. Get in touch with Piles To Smiles for a consultation with one of our qualified proctologists.

Typically, piles in men resemble tiny, discolored lumps. They may feel like they are hanging down from the anal canal or on the anus.

When you experience symptoms such as blood before, during, or after passing stool, pain, or discomfort in the anal area, or if over-the-counter medications are not providing relief for your piles, you should consult a doctor.

Enlarged blood vessels called piles can form inside or outside the anus and rectum in males. They are the most prevalent anorectal disorder. They may result in rectal bleeding and be uncomfortable and painful with a feeling of something coming out from the anal opening.

The following are the main reasons why men get piles:

  • Constipation;
  • Straining;
  • Inadequate consumption of fiber
  • Lifting heavy weights
  • Prolonged periods of time spent on the toilet

Some of the common symptoms of piles in males are:

  • Bleeding
  • Feeling of something coming out from the anal opening during defecation.
  • Painful swelling near the anal opening
  • Itching
  • Pain
  • Sticky discharge from the anus
  • Discomfort while sitting

Certain home remedies can help lower the chance of piles developing. These include

  • Avoid constipation,
  • Eat a diet high in fiber,
  • Drink lots of liquids,
  • Abstain from alcohol, and
  • Avoid straining and prolonged sitting on the toilet seat.

A person with piles may try a variety of natural cures or even take the prescription drugs that his doctor has recommended. These options do not provide a permanent cure for piles, they only serve to prevent them from getting worse.

One of the most common misconceptions is that piles go away on their own. Over time, these will only get worse. Therefore, it is always advisable to treat Piles as soon as possible to prevent getting worse, avoid complications, and enable convenient treatment.

Ayurvedic piles treatment is the best treatment for Piles in men. The benefits of Ayurvedic treatment are:

  • Non-surgical/ minimal surgical treatment
  • Minimal blood loss
  • No stitches
  • Quick recovery
  • Improved Quality of Life
  • Cost Effective Treatment
  • No Hospitalization
  • No Bed Rest

Myth: Only older men get piles.

Fact: It is true that piles is more common in older men, but piles is not limited to this age group. Young males and boys who are sedentary and consume more junk food and less fiber may develop piles.

Although blood on toilet paper, blood dripping in the toilet, or blood on the surface of your feces are signs that you may have piles, piles do not always cause pain or other symptoms. You may feel some swelling on your anus or something protruding from the anal canal. These are just some of the symptoms of piles.

All Piles

Kegel Exercises for piles

What are Hemorrhoids/ Piles: 

Hemorrhoids is a disease that affects almost 75% of people at some point in their lives. These are abnormally enlarged vascular mucosal cushions in the anal canal. These mucosal cushions help us to maintain anal continence but when they become swollen, enlarged, and start to cause symptoms, then they become hemorrhoids, more commonly known as Piles.

What Causes Piles?

Piles can occur randomly/ progressively over time, and they can happen to anyone; male or female, young or old. Factors that may increase the chances of getting hemorrhoids include:

  • Constipation is the foremost trigger for piles as the straining puts pressure on the blood vessels in this area.
  • Straining during bowel movements is another risk factor for piles. 
  • Prolonged sitting while defecating also increases the chances of developing Piles. 
  • Being over 50 – as you get older, your tissues get weaker, which increases your risk of getting piles
  • Being overweight
  • Pregnancy
  • Frequent heavy lifting
  • Prolonged diarrhoea

It is also thought that if people in your family have suffered from hemorrhoids, there are more chances of you suffering them too.

What are the Symptoms of Piles?

  • Bright-red, painless rectal bleeding while passing stool
  • Feeling of something coming out during defecation which may go inside by itself or need to be pushed back manually
  • Anal itching and irritation
  • Soiling due to mucous discharge or incontinence
  • A feeling of rectal fullness, discomfort, or incomplete emptying of bowel movements
  • Pain if a hemorrhoid prolapses and becomes strangulated

What are the Different Stages of Piles?

Piles are classified as either first-, second-, third- or fourth-degree. First- and second-degree piles are the most common and the least severe.

  • Stage One – Small swellings on the inside of the anus which are not visible from the outside. The patient complains of painless bleeding during defecation. 
  • Stage Two – These are larger swellings that may appear when one goes to the toilet but then disappear back inside again. Painless bleeding may or may not be there.
  • Stage Three – More severe small lumps that are visible from the outside of the anus and hang down, but they need to be pushed back inside. 
  • Stage Four – Most severe type of piles. Large lumps that hang down outside the anus. They cannot be pushed back inside.

“Among these, 1st and 2nd-degree piles can be easily managed by diet and lifestyle changes along with Kegel exercise for Piles”, opines Dr. Ravinder Sharma; a leading proctologist in Delhi NCR who practices at Piles To Smiles. He further says Kegel exercises benefit a lot in 3rd and 4th degree hemorrhoids also. 

Kegel Exercise for Hemorrhoids

Gynecologist Dr. Arnold Kegel in the 1940’s developed this exercise to strengthen the pelvic floor and smooth muscle along the anal canal up to the sphincter to prevent urinary continence and prolapsed hemorrhoidal tissues.

Kegel exercises are the simple act of contracting, holding, and then relaxing the pelvic floor muscles to strengthen the muscles and improve blood circulation These muscles are also sometimes called the “Kegel muscles”. They support the bladder and rectum and help control urine flow and the process of defecation. 

Regular pelvic floor exercises can help prevent and treat hemorrhoids by improving circulation, reducing inflammation, and increasing the tone and strength of the pelvic floor muscles. 

How do Kegel Exercises Help in Piles?

Many patients with chronic anal fissures and hemorrhoids experience an over-tightening or spasm of their pelvic floor muscles that help with defecation. Specifically, the puborectalis muscle which forms a U-shaped sling around the rectum oversees relaxing for stool to pass.

  • Kegel Exercise for Piles helps to prevent hemorrhoids by increasing blood flow to the anal region and improving blood circulation. 
  • Kegels strengthen anal muscles. Strong anal muscles provide good support for internal hemorrhoids and prevent existing ones from enlarging or protruding!
  • If you are suffering from piles, Kegels can help to tighten tissues and control leaking around the hemorrhoid problem areas.

And contrary to popular belief, kegel exercises can be done by both men and women!

How to do Kegel Exercises for Hemorrhoids?

Before beginning, always remember these points on how to do Kegel exercises:

  • Make sure you start on an empty bladder.
  • Ensure you are exercising the correct muscles.
  • Squeeze for a count of 5 seconds and relax for a count of 5 seconds in the beginning which can be increased up to 10 seconds later.
  • Try for a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 15 repetitions each time.
  • Ideally, do the exercises at least thrice a day in the beginning.

How to do Pelvic floor exercises for Piles?

You can practice your Kegels sitting/ standing or lying down. But in the beginning, it will be helpful to exercise while seated in a firm chair

  • Step 1 – Lie down on the back or sit in a comfortable position.

Relax your abdomen and buttocks since you do not want to exercise those muscle groups so you should not contract these muscles.

  • Step 2 – Start contracting your anal muscles as if you are stopping yourself to pass gas or stopping a bowel movement.
  • Step 3 – Hold this contraction position for 5-10 seconds as per your comfort.

Breathe freely: Do not hold your breath, but breathe freely during the exercise.

  • Step 4 – release for 10 seconds.

It might help to think of these muscles as an elevator. As you contract (squeeze) them, the elevator slowly rises to the top. As you gently release the tension on your muscles, imagine the elevator returning to ground level.

  • Step 5 – Repeat the exercise 5 times but only use half of your strength.
  • Step 6 – squeeze the muscles and relax them repeatedly as fast as possible.
  • Step 7 – continue the exercise as long as you can.
  • Step 8 – The standard recommendation is to perform Kegels three times a day. Later you can increase it up to 10-15 times a day. 

Best Positions to do Kegel exercises for hemorrhoids:

  • Sitting in a comfortable chair.
  • Lying down on your back.
  • Standing in an empty area.
  • Kneeling, on the floor, on all fours.

When should I do the Kegel exercises for Piles?

Performing Kegel exercises has no age. One is recommended to begin practicing them as early as possible. These exercises may be performed any time during the day or night and while you are in any position- sitting, standing, or lying down. Also, since they do not require any special positioning, you may do them while working, driving, eating, or watching television.

You can do pelvic floor exercises discreetly at just about any time.

  • When you are stopped at a red light
  • In the waiting room at the midwife or doctor’s office
  • Drive-throughs such as the bank, dry cleaners, and pharmacy etc.

When can I start doing the Kegel exercises for post-pregnancy Piles?

The Kegel exercises to avoid post-pregnancy Hemorrhoids can be safely started 3 weeks after your delivery. It is a good idea if you practice the Kegels Exercise for Piles throughout your pregnancy. It will help avoid hemorrhoids during and after pregnancy. 

Where should I do pelvic floor exercises for Piles?

Until you are comfortable doing Kegel exercises, choose a quiet spot to practice, like your bathroom or your bedroom, so you can concentrate. Once you know how, you can do these exercises anywhere― at your desk, in the car, waiting in line, at the kitchen counter, etc. To help ensure that you will be consistent, make it a habit to do your Kegels Piles exercise in a particular place or during a certain activity, such as brushing your teeth, doing the dishes, or driving to work.

As your muscles get stronger, start practicing hemorrhoid Kegels Exercise while sitting and standing, too. This will put more weight on the muscles, boosting your workout and improving your control. 

How do I know if I am doing hemorrhoids Pelvic floor exercises correctly?

It is important to identify and squeeze the correct group of muscles. In the beginning, you may sit on the toilet and insert your well-lubricated finger into the rectum. Then tighten the muscles of the sphincter and feel them contracting around your finger. Do not contract your abdominal, thigh, or buttocks muscles while performing the exercise.

When should I expect improvement in my symptoms?

When you are trying to strengthen any muscles, it is important to be patient. If you have ever tried to get in shape more quickly by lifting too much weight or running too many miles, you know that trying to hurry the process can backfire.

If you are doing the exercise correctly, you should feel the pelvic floor muscles lifting. It may be difficult to contract these muscles for 10 repetitions, but as your muscle tone improves, it will become easier. If you repeat the exercise a few times daily, you should see an improvement in just a few weeks. For continued benefits, make pelvic floor exercises a permanent part of your daily routine.

How long do I have to do the Kegels exercises for Piles?

The more you do the exercises the better. Also, the longer you can hold the contraction the better. Like any type of exercise, Kegel exercises only work as long as you do them. Once you stop, the muscles will become weak again and Piles problems might return.

Make doing your Kegels a lifetime habit, and stay motivated by focusing on the improvements you experience in your Hemorrhoids.

Precautions for doing Kegel Exercise for Hemorrhoids:

  • When performing Kegel exercises, do not hold your breath or strain.
  • Always keep the other muscles relaxed – especially the abdomen and thigh muscles.
  • Some amount of soreness in the pelvic area is possible. But if it is more than usual, that could be because it is overdone. Consult your proctologist.
  • Sometimes it is difficult to locate the right set of muscles. Check with your proctologist to help you understand the correct set of muscles.
  • Kegel exercises are not meant to show off like bicep muscles. Do not constantly keep straining the muscles to make them stronger. Relaxation of the muscles is equally important with the squeezing movement. Do not skimp the relaxation part.

Other benefits of practicing Kegels exercise:

  • During pregnancy Kegels exercise helps support the increasing weight of the growing baby
  • Pregnant women who perform Kegels exercises often find they have an easier birth. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles during pregnancy can help develop the ability to control muscles during labor and delivery. Kegels exercises also minimize the chances of requiring an episiotomy – a cut (incision) through the area between the vaginal opening and the anus. This procedure is done to make the vaginal opening larger for childbirth.
  • Practicing pelvic floor exercises during pregnancy will also minimize instances of urinary incontinence or leakage when laughing, sneezing, coughing, or carrying something heavy.
  • Post-delivery bladder control: After a cesarean section or even a normal delivery, many women experience issues with bladder control. Kegel exercises after delivery will help with better control and quicker recovery.
  • Better healing: The pelvic muscles are strained and often damaged during delivery. These muscles heal better with Kegel exercise after delivery.
  • Pelvic organ prolapses: Kegel exercises help with pelvic organ prolapse. This happens especially in the case of vaginal delivery that has lasted for long hours.
  • Although Kegel exercises are most familiar to women experiencing urinary leakage after childbirth, these exercises are an equally effective tool to help men improve bladder control. 
  • The exercises help treat prostate pain and swelling resulting from prostatitis in men
  • Kegels exercises help men to achieve strong erections and control premature ejaculation and women to have a stronger orgasm.
  • Experience better intercourse sensation: There is always some amount of laxity in the vaginal canal post-delivery. Kegel exercises after delivery can improve the vaginal tone. This directly translates to better sensations for your partner during intercourse.
  • Kegels may increase your sexual satisfaction by increasing the blood flow to genitals. 

Kegels exercise for Piles – Not the Silver Bullet: 

Contrary to popular belief, Kegel exercises are not the be-all and end-all solution for hemorrhoids. If these methods do not provide any relief and the condition and symptoms keep on prevailing, you should consult with a proctologist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

At Piles to Smiles, You can book an appointment for top proctologist in Delhi NCR. 


Hemorrhoids/ Piles during/after pregnancy – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Piles in Pregnant Women – Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

Hemorrhoids, commonly known as piles, are swollen hemorrhoidal cushions inside the anal canal or in the skin surrounding the anus. They develop when the hemorrhoidal cushions (which are normal structures in every human being) inside the anal passage become swollen and inflamed resulting in bleeding during defecation and/ or protrusion of pile mass during defecation. There might be some painful swelling near the anal opening. Piles after delivery are very common in pregnant women, especially during the third trimester and 1st month after delivery. This is due to the excess pressure on the hemorrhoidal cushions placed by the enlarged uterus. 
Hemorrhoids/ Piles during/ after pregnancy can be very problematic and disturbing. Contact Piles To Smiles to get optimal care for piles during pregnancy. 

Causes of Hemorrhoids/ Piles During Pregnancy

Some of the most common causes of hemorrhoids during pregnancy are explained below- 
  • Increased Pressure on the Hemorrhoidal cushions: The pressure on the pelvic area and the lower abdomen increases significantly due to the added weight of the fetus. The pressure makes it difficult for the veins to circulate blood properly, due to which the blood starts to pool and causes swelling in these hemorrhoidal cushions. The blood volume also increases during the pregnancy to support the fetus’s growth. The added volume further increases the amount of blood pooling in the veins. 
  • Hormonal Changes: Progesterone levels increase during pregnancy which causes the veins to relax. Relaxation of blood vessels, halts the blood circulation in the hemorrhoids, leading to bleeding/ swelling/ protrusion of Pile mass during defecation. 
  • Too much straining during defecation: Straining during defecation is another factor that increases pressure in the lower abdomen and the anal region which may lead to the development of Hemorrhoids/ Piles during pregnancy.
  • Constipation: Around 16% to 39% of women get constipated during pregnancy due to the increase in progesterone levels, fetus size, iron supplements, and/or lifestyle habits. Due to constipation, the patient is more likely to strain or push hard to pass stools which can cause bleeding/ swelling/ protrusion of Pile mass during defecation.
  • Poor Dietary Habits: Eating foods that are low in fiber content increases the risk of constipation, which ultimately leads to hemorrhoids/worsens the existing condition. 
  • Inactive Lifestyle: during pregnancy, movements are restricted, as many women are advised to take rest. Which results in constipation which later leads to piles during pregnancy. 
All these factors can directly contribute to the development of hemorrhoids/ piles during pregnancy. 

Causes of Hemorrhoids/ Piles after Pregnancy or Causes of Postpartum Hemorrhoids/ Piles:

  • Straining and pushing during childbirth:  During pushing to deliver the baby, blood is forced into the veins around the anus. This causes the veins to become filled with blood that may clot and cause a thrombosed hemorrhoid. The longer the straining—particularly if it is for more than 20 minutes, the greater the chances of developing hemorrhoids.
  • An instrumental delivery (where an instrument, such as forceps, is used to assist delivery): can also increase the chances of developing postpartum hemorrhoids.

While those who have a vaginal or instrumental delivery, are more likely to develop postpartum hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids after c-section delivery can also develop; the delivery does not need to be complicated for a hemorrhoid to result.

  • Baby’s size can be another factor: Giving birth to a newborn weighing 8.4 pounds or more may increase the chances of getting postpartum hemorrhoids.
  • Constipation is also common after giving birth. In many women, this could be caused by a combination of changing hormones, pain medication, dehydration, or a fear of pain from their hemorrhoids or episiotomy site (a surgical cut made between the vagina and anus as a woman gives birth).

Symptoms of Postpartum Hemorrhoids

How will I know I have hemorrhoids after pregnancy? 
Hemorrhoids can be located internally or externally and sometimes switch between protruding out of or going back inside the anal passage. Symptoms of hemorrhoids after pregnancy include:
  •  Bright red bleeding from the anus during defecation
  • Feeling of something coming out from the anus which may go inside by itself or need to be pushed back manually
  • Pain/ irritation/ discomfort might be there as long as the pile mass remains outside.
  • There might be mucous discharge when the Pile mass is outside. 
  • Sitting/ standing/ movement may be very difficult because of the protruding Pile masses.
  • Painful swelling near the anus 

If any of these symptoms arise during pregnancy, it’s crucial to get in touch with an experienced proctologist to take the necessary measures to manage the condition.

Types of Hemorrhoids during/ after Pregnancy:

Depending upon the location of blood in hemorrhoidal cushions hemorrhoids during/ after pregnancy can be of the following types:
  • External hemorrhoids: These develop under the skin around the anus and are visible as they are located outside the anus. External postpartum hemorrhoids are the most common.
  • Internal hemorrhoids: These develop inside the anus and therefore are not visible. They can cause bleeding and later protrusion of Pile mass.
  • Prolapsed hemorrhoids: These form internally but protrude outside and remain outside until one tries to push them inside. Initially, these can be pushed back inside but if they remain outside for a longer period, it will become difficult to push them back. 
  • Thrombosed hemorrhoids: These occur when a blood clot forms within a hemorrhoidal cushion, obstructing the blood flow and leading to painful swelling. Thrombosed hemorrhoids can exist internally or externally.

How are hemorrhoids during pregnancy diagnosed?

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are common enough that an experienced proctologist will likely know if someone is having hemorrhoids by the symptoms she tells. To be sure, a proctologist may:
  • Take a closer look at the anal region. An experienced proctologist can easily spot external hemorrhoids.
  • Do a digital rectal examination. He may insert a gloved finger inside the anus to feel for any internal hemorrhoids.
  • Do an anoscopy or sigmoidoscopy. They allow a proctologist to see inside the patient’s anal passage.

How to prevent Hemorrhoids/ Piles during/ after Pregnancy:

Here is something that can be done to prevent hemorrhoids/ Piles during/ after Pregnancy:
  • Take the pressure off your hemorrhoids: There is nothing one can do about the added pressure from the fetus that is putting strain on the body, but you can change your habits so that you are reducing the strain that you can control. Here are some tips:
    • Do not remain standing or sitting for too long. Instead, lay on your side to take pressure off your pelvic area and bowel.
    • When you do sit, use a donut pillow.
    • Do not strain or linger too long on the toilet while defecating. Instead, focus on relieving your constipation.
  • Avoiding constipation: Constipation often involves more straining to pass a bowel movement, increasing the risk of hemorrhoids during/ after pregnancy. To avoid constipation, ensure your diet is full of fiber-rich foods—such as vegetables, whole grains, and magnesium—and fluids. You may take a stool softener if needed after consulting your obstetrician.
  • Eat a high-fiber diet: Try to soften your stools by eating foods that are high in fiber. High-fiber foods include vegetables like broccoli and green peas, fruits like pears, legumes like lentils and black beans, as well as whole grain cereals and breads.
  • Increase liquid intake: liquid intake in any form should be encouraged. Liquid content in feces makes it soft and easy to move in the intestine.
  • Get some exercise: Try to move around more, even if it is just a short walk. Exercise helps prevent constipation. Check with your doctor before you start any exercise program during pregnancy or after giving birth. 
  • Avoid straining during bowel movements, and do not resist the urge to pass stools. Consider using a footstool to elevate the feet while sitting on the toilet. 
  • Do not delay: delaying defecation even after having an urge for defecation leads to the absorption of fluid from stool which makes it hard. So never delay/ suppress an urge to defecate to prevent pregnancy Piles. 
  • Add Kegel exercises into your daily routine to encourage healthy circulation in your anus and rectum.
  • Keep the anal region clean and dry to prevent irritation and itching. Use soft wipes to clean the area instead of soaps or cloth. 
By following these tips and instructions, women can reduce the risk of developing or progression of piles during/ after pregnancy. 

How Long Do Postpartum Hemorrhoids Last?

According to Dr. Ravinder Sharma, a leading proctologist in Delhi NCR, postpartum hemorrhoids can look very “large and alarming” right after birth but should shrink quite a bit over the next few days. They are typically most problematic for 5-7 days after childbirth but improve noticeably by two weeks postpartum. 

Proctologists agree that, while some postpartum hemorrhoids may last longer and require treatment. However, some women may experience skin tags afterward. This happens when the blood within the hemorrhoid is reabsorbed by the body, but the skin remains stretched.

When should I consult an experienced Proctologist?

You should consult a nearby proctologist if:
  • You notice any bleeding during a bowel movement. 
  • You are experiencing pain in your anal area that does not get better with at-home treatments.
  • You are experiencing painful swelling near the anus.
  • You are feeling that something is coming out during defecation which needs to be pushed back manually. 
  • You are thinking of trying over-the-counter laxatives, stool softeners, creams, oils, or supplements. Your doctor should approve any medications you take when you are pregnant.

Treatment Options for Piles During Pregnancy

There are several treatment options for women who develop piles during pregnancy. The general methods used for treatment are explained below – 
  • Lifestyle modifications, including eating habits and exercising, to alleviate the symptoms. These changes include improving dietary habits and engaging in physical activities. The diet should include fiber-rich foods, such as wheat bran, prunes, apples, pears, lentils, whole wheat bread, broccoli, tomato, citrus fruits, beans, etc. These foods improve water retention in the colon and make the stool soft to ensure they do not rub against the hemorrhoidal cushions and cause inflammation.
  • Avoid the intake of processed foods that have higher fat, sugar, and refined carbohydrates, as they increase the risk of constipation. 
  • Along with diet, the woman should also exercise regularly to improve blood circulation throughout the body and prevent blood from pooling in the rectal area. 
  • Kegel exercises are known to be helpful in pregnant women to prevent and manage piles after delivery. 
  • Use warm soaks/ Sitz Bath: A sitz bath is a small plastic tub filled with warm water that you soak in to soothe your anal region for about 10-15 minutes. It will help ease the pain and discomfort from hemorrhoids and childbirth.
  • Hemorrhoid cushions or donut pillows comfort while sitting. 
  • Non-surgical procedures, such as rubber band ligation or Kshar Karma for women. 
The most suitable treatment method is recommended by the proctologist after a thorough diagnosis of the patient’s condition. 

Is Surgery Recommended for Pregnancy Piles?

Surgery is generally not recommended for hemorrhoids during pregnancy unless the condition is very severe and other treatments have not been effective. 

The risks of piles surgery during pregnancy are very high. It can cause excessive bleeding, infection, and even premature labor. Due to this, proctologists suggest watchful waiting and lifestyle modifications to manage the condition until childbirth. Once the woman delivers the baby, surgical treatment will be considered if the piles are still problematic after delivery. 

The decision to undergo surgery during pregnancy is made by the doctor after considering the potential benefits and risks of the procedure to the woman and her child. The different types of surgical/para-surgical treatments that can be performed to treat Postpartum piles include:
  • Rubber Band Ligation: This is a para surgical treatment which involves ligation of rubber ring at the root of Pile mass. Generally, it is considered a very safe treatment option for Piles after giving birth. 
  • Ksharsutra Treatment: In this treatment; Ksharsutra – a medicated thread is ligated at the root of Pile mass. It is also another safe treatment option for hemorrhoids after delivery.  
  • Hemorrhoidectomy: This is a surgical procedure in which the hemorrhoidal tissues are removed using a scalpel. It is an invasive procedure with considerable risks and post-op complications. 
Book an Appointment to consult with the best Proctologist in Delhi NCR to manage Piles/ Hemorrhoids during pregnancy or Postpartum Hemorrhoids.
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What is Proctology & Who is a Proctologist ?

What is Proctology? 

Similarly, to most medical notions, the word proctology is derived from the Greek, and contains the words proktos, which means “anus” or “hind parts”, and logia, which is known as “science”. 

Dr. Ravinder Sharma, a leading proctologist explains “Proctology is a highly specialized area of general surgery dealing with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of rectum, colon, and anus disorders. Hemorrhoids, fistula, fissures, polyps, and pilonidal sinus are a few diseases that are included in this domain. It involves treating anorectal diseases via medicines or various procedures.”

Who is a Proctologist?

A proctologist is a medical doctor specializing in diagnosing and treating disorders of the colon, rectum, and anus. 

What does a Proctologist do?

Proctologists treat many conditions of the lower digestive system which includes the colon, rectum, anal canal, and perianal area. These conditions are:

  • Hemorrhoids – Swollen veins that can occur internally and externally around the anus
  • Fistula-in-ano – infected tunnel between the skin and anus
  • Peri-Anal Abscesses – Formation and accumulation of pus in the area surrounding the anus
  • Fissure-in-ano – small tear in the lining of the anus
  • Pilonidal Cysts/ Sinus – Swelling with a collection of pus at the tailbone that contains hair
  • Anal skin tags – non-cancerous skin growths.
  • Rectal Prolapse – a condition when the rectum slips out through the anal opening
  • Bowel Incontinence – inability to hold stool resulting in slippage of feces unconsciously.
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease – Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) –  A chronic condition that causes bloating, pain, constipation, and diarrhea.
  • Colon polyps – Small, benign clumps of growths in the colon that have the potential to turn cancerous.
  • Colon, rectal, and anal cancers – Cancers that originate in these regions.
  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)  Infections in the genital and anal area include:
  • Chlamydia
  • Syphilis
  • Gonorrhea
  • Genital herpes
  • Condyloma (warts)

When should you consult with a proctologist?

Often people search for the Best Proctologist near me online as they are too embarrassed to tell anyone, even their doctor, about their issues with the anus. Here are the main health conditions that require consulting an expert proctologist:

  • Bowel difficulty
  • Uncomfortable sensations/ itching/ burning or pain around the anus or rectum
  • Bleeding or other discharge from the anus/ near anus
  • Warts or bumps in the anal region
  • Change in bowel habits or changes in the stool
  • Difficulty controlling bowel movements, like fecal incontinence
  • Existence of warts, bumps, or foreign bodies near the anal area
  • Persistent constipation
  • Screening for a colonoscopy (Starts at age 45 or younger if any bleeding, family history of polyps or colorectal cancer)
  • Any other changes to the anus and rectal area that are concerning. 

People with excessive weight, as well as people with prolonged sitting, or systematic lifting of weights, should periodically consult a specialist proctologist for preventive purposes.

People who have undergone proctologic surgeries are also advised to visit a medical examination. 

Proctologists perform different procedures to correct the colon, rectum, or anus. Anyone with these diseases and symptoms can see the best proctologist in Delhi NCR for estimation, diagnosis, and treatment.

Diagnostic and treatment procedures performed by Proctologists

An experienced Proctologist uses diagnostic procedures and treatment options for patient’s health and quality of life. 

Diagnostic Procedures

Diagnostic procedures are to identify conditions affecting the rectum and anus. These broadly refer to a variety of rectum and colon examinations:

  • External examination
  • Digital Rectal examination
  • Anoscopy
  • Proctoscopy
  • Sigmoidoscopy
  • Colonoscopy
  • Ultrasound of abdominal cavity
  • X-ray and endoscopic examination
Treatment Options

The treatment option varies depending on the specific condition and its severity. Non-surgical options include medications, lifestyle changes, and physical therapy. Minimal Surgical options include Kshar Karma, Ksharsutra Treatment, Rubber Band Ligation, Sclerotherapy, Open Hemorrhoidectomy, Closed Hemorrhoidectomy, Closed Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy, Incision and Drainage, etc. Here Kshar Karma and Ksharsutra are specialized ayurvedic treatments that are designed by our best ayurvedic proctologist according to the disease condition of the fellow. 

We at Piles To Smiles, have the best proctologist in Delhi, who can help you with prevention, diagnosis, and ayurvedic treatment of Anorectal health problems.

How to find the best proctologist near me in Delhi NCR?

Here are some important things to consider when looking for an experienced proctologist:

  • Is the proctologist Govt.-certified?
  • Is he licensed to practice?
  • Can you have a consultation to get to know your nearby proctologist prior to having any procedures done?
  • What are their locations and hours?
  • If you’re having particular symptoms or procedures, what’s the doctor’s previous experience with disease and conditions?
  • Does your experienced proctologist make you feel safe and secure?
  • Does he answer your questions honestly, and 
  • Is he subtle in addressing your concerns?

If the answers to the above question come to be “satisfactory” then he is the best proctologist for you. 

How our Best Proctologist for hemorrhoids treats at Piles To smiles: 

The relationship between patient and proctologist is cardinal. Due to the nature of proctological examination and treatment, establishing trust and ensuring patient comfort is vital. Dr. Ravinder notes, “Our approach always prioritizes patient dignity and comfort.”

Proctological exams can cause anxiety for many patients. Our top-rated Proctologists are trained to manage these anxieties, ensuring patients are informed and comfortable throughout their treatment. “Clear communication and empathy are key in alleviating patient fears,” says Dr. Ravinder.

Proctologists often face the challenge of discussing sensitive and potentially embarrassing issues especially when a female patient requests to be treated by the best female proctologist in Delhi. “It requires tact and sensitivity to discuss such personal health matters with female patients. Our gender comes later first we are Proctologists and you will find we are handling you as gently as if taken care of by the best female proctologist only” explains Dr. Ravinder.

Children and Adolescents frequently suffer from anorectal symptoms. Pediatricians commonly treat these with medications. Evaluation by a pediatric proctologist is recommended when the symptoms are severe or become chronic. Our best proctologists in Delhi are equally trained in pediatric proctology.

At Piles To Smiles, with our best proctologist in Delhi, we aim to provide non-surgical or Minimal surgical treatment for anorectal health issues, allowing you to concentrate on your recovery while we handle the rest.

Prevention and Management of Proctological Conditions

There are a few ways to prevent and manage proctological conditions. Making lifestyle changes is often the first step in managing these conditions. For example, losing weight can help reduce the risk of developing hemorrhoids if the fellow is overweight. Other changes include eating a high-fiber diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding constipation. If lifestyle changes alone cannot manage the condition, our experienced proctologist may recommend medical management. Minimal Surgery is sometimes necessary to treat proctological conditions. These include Kshar Karma, Ksharsutra Treatment, Rubber Band Ligation, Sclerotherapy, Open Hemorrhoidectomy, Closed Hemorrhoidectomy, Closed Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy, Incision and Drainage etc.

These treatments are usually minimally invasive and with less pain. Recovery is quick, letting the patient get back to his daily routine soon. For the best care, look for the best proctology center in Delhi with experienced proctologists.

Book an appointment at Piles To Smiles for the best proctology treatment in India. 

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Why Ayurved For Ano Rectal Problems?

या हि उदीरणं शमयति नान्यं व्याधिं करोति च |
सा क्रिया; न तु या व्याधिं हरति अन्यं उदीरयेत् ||


That is the ideal treatment which does not cause any complication while treating a disease not that which results in other disease while treating one.
– सुश्रुत संहिता (Sushruta Samhita)

Here are some reasons for any body suffering from any Ano rectal health problem to prefer Ayurved over other health systems:

Ayurved is Best

It is a well known fact that most of ano rectal problems are resultant of unhealthy dietary habits and life style.

Ayurved is best to guide about healthy dietary habits and lifestyle so it is obvious to get best results in treating Ano rectal problems in Ayurved.

No complication: It is a common practice now a day to hear that a persons is suffering from a health problem because he was taking medicines from some other health problem and as a side effect of those medicines he is now suffering from this problem.

On the other hand; usually Ayurvedic medicines and Ayurvedic treatments are quite safe and free from any side effect so it is always safe to prefer Ayurved over other health systems in general and for Ano rectal problems in particular.

Complete eradication of Problem: Ayurved always advocates to treat any health problem from roots so that it will not recur in future. Ano rectal health problems are notorious enough to recur again and again even after being treated by most advanced treatment option.

So it is always advisable to get treated for any ano rectal problem in Ayurved to avoid its recurrence.

No Hospitalization required: in Ayurved Ano rectal problems are treated without or with minimal surgery.

Most of the para surgical treatments advised for Ano rectal problems like Kshar karma, Kashrsutra can be performed as an OPD treatment so usually hospitalization is not required for Ayurvedic treatment of Ano rectal problems.

Minimal or no bed rest: Usually bed rest is not required in Ayurvedic treatment of any Ano rectal problem.

In most cases; a patient can continue his normal routine activities as usual during Ayurvedic treatment.

Cost effective treatment: in most cases; Ayurvedic treatment is more economical than other health systems and anybody can afford treatment.

In nutshell; it can be ascertained that Ayurved should be preferred over other health systems for treatment if any health problem in general and for Ano rectal problems in particular.

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Yoga for Piles/ Hemorrhoids

Piles/ hemorrhoids are the engorged blood vessels in the anal region. Every persons is having Hemorrhoids which are the cushions made up of blood vessels. These cushions help in fecal continence and ensure no liquid content leaks from the anal opening. These are problematic only when there is stagnation of blood in these vessels. As per different surveys; about 50% of adults feel symptoms of Piles by the age of 50 years

Disturbed digestive system, constipation, obesity, unhealthy dietary habits and lifestyle are linked with the development of Piles. Yoga for Piles not only relieves the symptoms of Piles but also enhances over all well sense of well being. We have worked on different Yogasanas and chose the most beneficial Yoga for Piles:


Pawanmuktasana – Wind releasing PoseAs the name itself tells; this Asana helps in releasing the wind trapped in the rectum. This is an subjective as well as the objective definition i.e. this asana not only helps the wind which is already there in rectum but also helps preventing bad wind formation by improving the digestive system. This Asana can be practiced to get relief in Piles as well as prevention of Piles development. You should stay in the Asana as long as you are comfortable with normal breathing for the best results.

Malasana – Garland Pose helps prevent constipation which is main causative factor for hemorrhoids. The posture not only works on calf muscles, spine, hips and buttocks but also stretches and contracts the abdomen balancing the functioning of the entire digestive tract. Try and stay in this pose as long as you are comfortable before you relax.

Balasana – Child’s Pose: Bala means child, and this pose is so-called because this is generally how babies fall asleep. Child’s pose helps increasing the circulation towards the anus and also help alleviate constipation. Stay in child s pose at least for a minute or as long as you are comfortable.

Mulabandhasana – Root lock Pose/ Ashwini Mudra: here Mula means root, and Bandha means a lock. This yoga exercise involves repeated contraction and relaxation of the the muscles in the anal region. This asana is deemed to be the best Asanas for Piles because of the way it engages the muscles of affected areas and heals the Piles completely. In fact; the 1st stage internal Pile could be solely managed by this Asana only.

Baddha Konasana – Bound Angle Pose: This Asana involves contraction and relaxation of all the pelvic muscles as a results blood circulation of all the pelvic organs is improved and a sort of internal massage is given to these organs. Thus function of all pelvic organs which include urinary bladder, prostate, male reproductive organs, female reproductive organs and rectum is improved.

Ardha matsyendrasana – sitting half spinal twist: Twisting in Ardha matsyendrasana gives internal massage to all abdominal organs which include whole digestive system, liver, kidneys etc. This Asana improves the function of digestive system in all aspects i.e. better appetite, digestion and assimilation; and proper disposal of feces (prevention of constipation). So it is also one of the best Yoga Asana for Piles.

Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward Facing Dog Pose: This Asana as well as the other asanas involving the inverted position of body will definitely benefit in Piles as these make the flow of blood away from the anal region. This relieves the congestion of blood in hemorrhoidal blood vessels. You should practice Adho Mukha Svanasana regularly to get relief in and prevent Piles.

Viparita Karani or legs up on the wall: This Asana helps reducing the stress in anal region resulting from excessive straining while passing stool. Thus reduces the symptoms of Piles.

Sarvangasana or shoulder stand: This asana improves blood circulation in whole body (Hence the name Sarvangasana which means the Asana of all body parts) specially the abdomen and anus. At the same time it also helps in lowering the congestion of hemorrhoidal blood vessels. It is said about this asana that even if you practice regularly this asana only you can prevent all of the diseases.

Besides these Asanas all the other Asanas which improve digestion, blood circulation to anus region and relieve congestion of blood in hemorrhoidal blood vessels will be the beneficial Yoga for Piles. It is better to practice these Asanas under supervision of a Yoga expert and obviously after consulting an Ano rectal specialist.

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Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids/ Piles

Hemorrhoids also known as Piles are the engorged blood vessels in the anus. Piles are so common that about 50% of adults have had some symptoms of Piles before the age of 50 years. Painless bleeding which later on leads to protrusion of some mass during defecation which goes inside by itself or need to push back is the main symptom of Piles. In starting stage; you may try some home remedies which are really very beneficial to manage them. Some of these are just to relieve constipation as constipation is one of the main causative factor for Piles and some are for giving relief in Piles:

  • Increase Fiber intake: Your diet should be rich in fibers like fruits, green leafy vegetables, salads etc. Fibers make the bulk of the stools and bulky stool is necessary for comfortable bowel movement. It is a fact that small quantity of stool also leads to constipation.
  • Increase liquid intake: one should take adequate quantity of liquids. It might be plain water, fruit juice, coconut water, buttermilk etc. It is only when your body is properly hydrated that there will be some water in the feces which will make it soft and easy to pass.
  • Take warm milk before going to bed: Taking warm milk added with some sugar before going to bed helps in relieving constipation.
  • Take warm water after leaving bed: Taking 1-2 glasses of warm water should be the first thing you do after leaving bed. It activates intestines and helps in easy bowel movement.
  • Use of Haritaki: Haritaki is one of the best Ayurvedic herb not only for the digestive system but for the whole body. It is said to be the mother of human being. Like a mother never does bad for her child in the same way Haritaki also never does wrong to a person who consumes it.
    • Haritaki with jaggeryTo get rid of Piles; you may take Haritaki powder with jaggery. It not corrects the digestion but also helps stop bleeding by its astringent taste. Haritaki with Jaggery should be taken before meals.
    • Haritaki/ Triphala with buttermilk: In the same way Haritaki/ Triphala powder could be taken with buttermilk also with similar efficacy in treating Piles.
  • Takra or Buttermilk: Takra is said to be nectar for a person suffering from Piles. It is said that a disease cured by intake of Takra never comes back. One analogy is given specially in context of Piles i.e. if you regularly pour Takra on grass; it will destroy the gras by roots within a short time in the same way Piles can also be completely cured by intake of Takra only within a month. During this time period you should not take anything except buttermilk.
  • Shunthi with jaggery: Similar to the Haritaki powder Shunthi powder taken with jaggery is also effective in treating Piles.
  • Isabgol/ Psyllium husk: At many times; lack of fibers in the food is the reason for constipation. In those cases taking Isabgol/ Psyllium husk should be taken with warm water.
  • Go to toilet only when you are having urge for defecation: Going to toilet without proper urge for defecation will lead to sitting on toilet seat for long time and straining for defecation both of which may lead to development of hemorrhoids. So you should go to toilet only when you have an urge for defecation.
  • Don’t delay: delaying defecation even after having an urge for defecation leads to absorption of fluid from stool which hardens the stool. So never delay/ suppress an urge of defecation.
  • Don’t sit for long on toilet sit: sitting on toilet seat for long time period facilitates accumulation of blood in hemorrhoidal blood vessels. You should leave toilet seat as soon as possible. Habits like browsing phone or reading newspaper while sitting on toilet seat should be discarded.
  • Don’t strain while defecation: Straining while defecation may result in accumulation of blood in hemorrhoidal blood vessels or their spontaneous rupture so one should not strain while defecation.
  • No heavy weight lifting: Heavy weight lifting or all other exercises which are done holding breath cause increased abdominal pressure which is further transmitted to the hemorrhoidal blood vessels. So you should avoid heavy weight lifting and do not do any exercise holding your breath.
  • Active lifestyle: sedentary lifestyle is another causative factor for constipation so you should try to be active as much possible for the whole day.
  • Physical exercise: Do regular exercise like walking, running, yoga etc. Know more about Yoga for Piles
  • Ashwini Mudra: Practicing Ashwini Mudra after bowel movement and 4-5 times daily help in lowering congestion of blood in hemorrhoidal blood vessels.
    • How to do Ashwini Mudra: you should squeeze or pull your anus upwards and hold it for up to 10 seconds. This squeezing is the same activity you do while suppressing the urge for defecation. It can be done in sitting/ standing/ lying down position. You should do it for 50-100 times in one time and should do it 4-5 times a day.

If these remedies do not work then you should consult at Piles To Smiles for management of your Piles problem.

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Pain/ Bleeding/ Pus discharge from anus – is it PILES?

It is a common practice to name all the health problems related to anus as Piles/ Hemorrhoids irrespective of the complaint of the person like pain/ bleeding/ pus discharge. Is it really so or are there other health problems also which affect the anus and its surrounding area? We will try to answer this question in this article:

Pain in anus: It is one of the main complaint for which patient seeks help from a doctor. Pain might be continuous in nature or it might be associated with the bowel movement. Some times it may be accompanied by some bleeding also etc. Accordingly the diagnosis will be different in different conditions:

  • Fissure-in-Ano: When patient experience pain while passing stool which persists for some time after defecation or whole day; most likely it is because of Fissure-in-Ano. Pain is cutting in nature. Some times pain due to Fissure-in-Ano is so severe that patient stops eating in an attempt to avoid defecation. Fissure-in-Ano is a cut injury in the anal skin mostly due to passage of hard stool and some times repeated bowel movements.
  • Perianal Abscess: When someone is experiencing continuous pain which might be aggravated by passage of stool and its severity decreases after bowel movement. Pain is throbbing in nature with some swelling near anal opening. It might be accompanied by fever. Then most likely the fellow is suffering from Perianal abscess. It is an abscess developed near anal opening due to infection in anal glands. If it is not treated in time it may progress to Fistula-in-Ano.
  • Fistula-in-Ano: When patient experiences off and on pain with intermittent swelling in the area surrounding the anus with off and on discharge from the swelling or anal opening then most likely he is suffering from Fistula-in-Ano. Fistula-in-Ano is a abnormal tunnel like structure which connects skin with the interior of anus.
  • Ulcerative colitis: When patient complains of repeated bowel movements with pain in anal region and bleeding with pain in abdomen, fatigue and weight loss; most likely he is suffering from ulcerative colitis. Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease which causes inflammation and ulcers in the digestive tract.
  • Fungal infection in skin surrounding anus: When patient is experience itching pain it might be because of the fungal infection in the skin around skin. It might be accompanied by small eruptions and watery discharge in that region.

Bleeding from Anal Region: Bleeding might be accompanied by pain or it might be without pain. It might be accompanied by constipation/ diarrhoea or some times there may only bleeding no feces.

  • Piles/ Hemorrhoids: When patient experiences painless bleeding during defecation most likely he is suffering from Piles. Some time patient is not aware about the bleeding and comes to know about it only when he looks in toilet sheet without flushing the feces. Piles are the engorged hemorrhoidal blood vessels which usually results from constipation, sitting for long in toilet and too much straining during defecation.
  • Fissure-in-Ano: When patient complaints of little bit bleeding while passing stool along with pain most likely it is Fissure-in-Ano. As said above Fissure-in-Ano is a cut injury in the anal region resulting from different reasons.
  • Ulcerative colitis: bleeding from anal region accompanied by diarrhoea, fatigue, weight loss etc. is most likely because of Ulcerative colitis. As said above it is an inflammatory condition of digestive tract with ulcers in it.
  • Anal Cancer: when a person feel constant desire for defecation i.e. all the times he feels that there is something inside rectum. There are chances that when he tries to pass stool only blood comes without any fecal matter; most likely he is suffering from Anal Cancer.

Mass protruding out per rectum: mass protruding out is another complaint for which patients seek help from a doctor. This mass may be there all the times or it might appear at the time of defecation and go back inside by itself or needed to be pushed back by hand.

  • Piles: When patients complains of the mass protruding out from anal opening which goes inside by itself or patient pushes it back inside along with history of painless bleeding during defecation; most likely he is suffering from Piles. Piles are the engorged hemorrhoidal blood vessels which bleed during defecation. If not treated in this stage; pile masses develop which come out during defecation. Patient may feel discomfort in anal region as long as the pile mass remains outside.
  • External Hemorrhoids: When patient complains of mass protruding out at the mouth of anus which remains out and it is painful. Usually there is history of too much straining during defecation or long travelling. External hemorrhoids are the swellings near anal opening which result from collection of blood which happens due to rupture of some blood vessels near anal opening which in turn results from straining or long sitting. 
  • Rectal prolapse: When a patient complains of mass coming out from the anus which does not go inside by itself. Patient is usually an old age person. Instead of; from some parts as in piles; this mass is coming from all around the anus. Rectal prolapse is a condition in which rectum loses its normal attachments inside the body allowing it to come out through anus thus turning it “inside out.”
  • Fissure-in-Ano with Sentinel tag: when Fissure-in-Ano is not treated in time; skin starts growing from the lower end of the fissure which is termed as Sentinel tag. This growth always remains outside. When fissure is active; there might be swelling in the tag and patient feels that the size of tag has increased which again reduces when there is healing in fissure.
  • Rectal polyp: When patient complains of something coming out of anus during defecation which may or may not go inside by itself and patient is a child; most likely it is a case of Anal Polyp. Anal Polyps are abnormal growths rising from the lining of the rectum.

Discharge from anus or in near by region: Discharge from anus or from a swelling in near by area is another health problem for which patient seeks for help from a doctor. Discharge varies in consistency from watery to pus. There might be some blood also along with.

  • Fistula-in-Ano: A patient complaining of intermittent discharge from a nodular swelling or an opening in area around the anus is most likely a case of Fistula-in-Ano. As said earlier; Fistula-in-Ano is an abnormal tunnel like structure connecting skin to interior of the rectum.
  • Perianal Abscess: Patient complaining of swelling near anal opening with pain which bursts spontaneously with pus discharge might be a case of Peri anal abscess. It is an abscess developed near anal opening due to infection in anal glands.
  • Piles/Hemorrhoids: when Pile mass is not reduced inside and it remains outside; it might give feeling of discharge. Usually this discharge is watery in consistency and patient complains of discharge on his undergarments.
  • Inflammatory bowel conditions like IBS/ Crohn’s disease: inflammatory bowel conditions might be accompanied by discharge.

In this article we tried to give some idea about different health condition which might affect a person. Usually all these are termed as Piles but actually it is not so as we saw above.

The sole purpose of this article is knowledge sharing and it is in no way a substitute for doctor’s advice. We recommend readers to seek medical help in case you are suffering from any of the symptoms listed above.

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Pruritus Ani: causes & management

Itching in skin around anus could be humiliating enough especially when you are in a public place and there is no way to escape. It becomes more troublesome when a fellow is in a vicious cycle of itch – scratch – itch—-. Generally, pruritus ani is more intense in night so at times a fellow might scratch with nails while sleeping causing serious damage to skin around anus. To get rid of this itching; thorough search is necessary to find out the underlying cause. In this article we will find out the causes and management of pruritus ani.

Causes & management of Pruritus Ani:


For convenience we can divide causes of pruritus Ani (itching in anal region) in different groups. The main groups are:

Causes in rectum & Anal Canal:

  • Haemorrhoids: there might be mucus discharge with prolapsed internal piles. Soakage with mucus may irritate the skin and cause itching.
  • Fissure: inflammation due to fissure-in-Ano may cause itching in the skin around anus.
  • Fistula: pus discharged from the external opening of fistulous tract might be responsible for pruritus ani.
  • Extra growths like Polyps, skin tags, peri anal warts, carcinoma or condylomata might be responsible for pruritus ani. etc.

Causes in the Vagina:

Vaginal discharge resulting from inflammation in vaginal wall, gonorrhoreal infection may also be responsible for itching in skin around anus.

Causes in the Skin:

Skin diseases like psoriasis, inflammation of skin due to contact with irritants or allergens etc. may also cause pruritus ani.

Due to infection:

Bacterial/ fungal/ parasitic (Pin worm, scabies etc.) infection in skin around anus is another factor responsible for pruritus Ani.

Other causes:

  • Poor hygiene: faecal matter in skin around anus may irritate and cause pruritus ani. It specially happens when a fellow is suffering from faecal/ urinary incontinence.
  • Psychoneurosis like anxiety/ stress etc.
  • Leakage of liquid paraffin from excessive use.
  • Skin irritation due to long use of soaps in anal area
  • Diseases pertaining to whole body like Diabetes, leukemia, lymphoma, thyroid disease, renal disease, liver disorders etc.

Management of Pruritus Ani:

For convenience we will divide management of pruritus Ani in two sub headings. Selfcare and management by an health care specialist.

Selfcare in pruritus ani:

  • Resist the urge to scratch. As said above; itching is more intense in night and a fellow might scratch with his nails while sleeping so it is better to trim your nails and wear clean, soft cotton gloves at bedtime to prevent irritation and infection.
  • Maintain the skin around anus clean and dry. Clear water should be preferred over soap or moistened toilet paper to clean the area after passing stool. A shower head is better than a jet as latter may cause damage to the skin in this area. If you are using toilet paper or a towel, gently pat or blot the area until it is completely dry.
  • Place a piece of cotton under your undergarments to keep the area dry during the day.
  • Avoid soap for cleansing the anal area
  • Do not scrub vigorously with toilet paper or a washcloth.
  • Avoid products that may cause irritation to the area like perfumed creams, lotions, bubble baths, powders, or other.
  • Eat a fiber rich diet. A healthy diet ensures regular bowel movements and help prevent diarrhoea or constipation.
  • Avoid spicy or acidic foods or caffeinated beverages as these foods might promote itching.
  • Wear cotton underwear. It helps to absorb moisture better than synthetic fabrics. Make sure underwear fits properly and change it frequently. Cloths should be washed with fragrance-free detergents.
  • Avoid wearing tight or constricting underwear.

If above said tips do not benefit a person suffering from pruritus ani should consult a health care specialist so as to arrive at a proper diagnosis and accordingly treatment.

Treatment of Pruritus Ani:

Usually treatment of Pruritus ani focusses on finding the cause and correcting it besides maintaining proper anal hygiene.

  • First you should consult an Ano rectal specialist to find and treat any underlying Ano rectal problem like Hemorrhoids/ fissure/ fistula etc.
  • If underlying cause is some other health problem as discussed above you might be referred to some other health expert.

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