Fissure Treatment

Fissure-in-Ano is a tear in the lining of the anal canal which causes pain during defecation. This pain may persist for a few minutes to hours or even whole day after the bowel movement. Sometimes the pain is so severe that the patient stops eating in an attempt to avoid bowel movement, and he remains wondering what is the best Fissure-in-Ano treatment without complication.

Pain is cutting in nature. Depending on the problem duration, it is said as acute (of recent onset) and chronic (Fissure-in-Ano that has not healed even after 8 to 12 weeks).

Usually, constipation is the reason for Fissure-in-Ano. Passage of hard stool causes frictional injury to the lining of the Anal Canal. Besides this repeated bowel movements like diarrhea or inflammatory bowel conditions; may also result in Fissure-in-Ano.

The cut injury becomes more and more severe with every bowel movement if the bowel movement is not corrected. So correction of bowel movement is always the prime line of Treatment for Fissure-in-Ano.

Why Ayurvedic/ Ksharsutra treatment is best Fissure-in-Ano treatment?

Seeing the severity of the pain; usually, doctors advise to go for surgery for Fissure-in-Ano. But Surgery is not necessary and Fissure can be healed completely without recurrence by Ayurvedic treatment for Fissure-in-Ano. Here are some points why Ayurvedic treatment is the best Fissure-in-Ano treatment:

Keeping all these points in mind; one can conclude that Ayurvedic treatment for Fissure-in-Ano is better than Surgery for Fissure-in-Ano.

What is Ayurvedic Treatment for Fissure-in-Ano?

Ayurvedic treatment for Fissure-in-Ano depends on the stage of problem:

Kshar Karma Treatment for Acute Fissure-in-Ano

In the acute stage of Fissure-in-Ano; manual dilation (preferably by the patient himself; if the results of dilation are not up to the mark then by an Ayurvedic Proctologist) of stool passage to relieve spasm of sphincter muscles (you should be very cautious while doing this procedure to avoid overstretching of sphincter muscle) and Kshar Karma are the line of treatment. Kshar Karma involves the application of specialized Ayurvedic medicine namely Kshar in the fissure region. This medicine debrides the fissure and induces healing.

Ksharsutra Treatment for chronic Fissure-in-Ano

When Fissure-in-Ano has progressed in chronicity and a sentinel tag has developed; an Ayurvedic Proctologist advices Ksharsutra treatment. This treatment involves; ligation of specialized medicated thread namely Ksharsutra; at the root of sentinel tag. It blocks the blood supply of the sentinel tag and as a result, it sheds off in a week or 10 days time period. This is an OPD treatment and the patient can return home the same day after treatment. Usually, there is no need for hospitalization or bed rest and a patient can continue his normal routine activities as usual during treatment.

Causes of Fissure-in-Ano

Fissure-in-Ano is the result of injury or trauma to the anal canal. Injury can happen because of: 

Less common causes are:

Symptoms of Fissure-in-Ano

Best Treatments for Fissure-in-Ano:

Doctors have tried different treatments to heal fissure-in-Ano with variable success rates. Some of these treatment options are:

Treatment for External Piles without surgery:

All of these treatment options involve complications like stool incontinence and recurrence of Fissure-in-Ano in varying proportions. So none of these could be an advisable treatment for Fissure-in-Ano. However Ayurvedic treatment for Fissure-in-Ano has a fairly high success rate in treating Fissure-in-Ano without any complication. Ayurvedic treatment for Fissure-in-Ano depends on the stage of the fissure.

Kshar Karma for Fissure-in-Ano:

This treatment is advised in the acute onset of Fissure-in-ano. As said earlier this treatment involves the application of specialized Ayurvedic medicine namely Kshar in the fissure region. This medicine debrides the fissure and promotes healing. Usually, 3-5 Kshar Karma sittings are required for complete healing of Fissure-in-Ano at weekly intervals.

Ksharsutra Treatment for Fissure-in-Ano:

When fissure-in-Ano has become chronic and a sentinel tag has developed then Ksharsutra treatment is the treatment of choice. This treatment involves ligation of a specialized medicated thread namely Ksharsutra at the root of the sentinel tag. It blocks the blood supply of the tag and as a result, it sheds off in a week or 10-day time period. It is an OPD treatment and there is no need for hospitalization or bed rest. Usually patient is discharged the same day after treatment and he can continue his normal routine activities as usual during treatment.

Home remedies for Fissure-in-Ano:

You should consult at Piles To Smiles; if these measure are not giving relief in pain.

FAQs about Fissure-in-Ano

Fissure-in-Ano is a cut injury in the skin of the anus. Usually; this cut injury is the result of the passage of hard stool. Sometimes repeated bowel movements as seen in diarrhoea is also seen as a causative factor for this cut injury.

Usually, Fissure-in-Ano is seen at 6 o’clock and 12 o’clock. Among these Fissure-in-Ano at 6 o’clock is more common. So 6 o’clock is only telling about the location of the fissure-in-Ano; it has nothing to do with the severity of the problem

This is a specialized Ayurvedic treatment recommended for Fissure-in-Ano. In this treatment; a specialized Ayurvedic medicine namely Kshar is applied in the fissure region. This medicine debrides the fissure and induces healing. Usually, 3-5 Kshar Karma sittings are required for complete healing of Fissure-in-Ano at weekly intervals.

Complications like recurrence of Fissure-in-Ano after surgery and partial or complete stool incontinence – inability to hold stool (depending on the severity of damage to sphincter muscles) are frequently seen in surgery for Fissure-in-Ano. However, Fissure-in-Ano could be completely treated by Ksharsutra treatment without any complication.

In Ayurved; Ksharsutra treatment is advised in fissure-in-Ano when it has progressed to development of Sentinel tag. In this treatment; Ksharsutra – a specialized medicated thread is ligated at the root of Sentinel tag. Medicine present in Ksharsutra blocks the blood supply of sentinel tag and it sheds off in a week or 10 days time period. Ksharsutra treatment is an OPD treatment. Patient can return home the same day after treatment (after taking some rest).

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