Piles Related Blogs


Kegel Exercises for piles

What are Hemorrhoids/ Piles: Hemorrhoids is a disease that affects almost 75% of people at some point in their lives. These are abnormally enlarged vascular mucosal cushions in the anal

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Why Ayurved For Ano Rectal Problems?

या हि उदीरणं शमयति नान्यं व्याधिं करोति च | सा क्रिया; न तु या व्याधिं हरति अन्यं उदीरयेत् || i.e. That is the ideal treatment which does not cause any

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Yoga for Piles/ Hemorrhoids

Piles/ hemorrhoids are the engorged blood vessels in the anal region. Every persons is having Hemorrhoids which are the cushions made up of blood vessels. These cushions help in fecal

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Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids/ Piles

Hemorrhoids also known as Piles are the engorged blood vessels in the anus. Piles are so common that about 50% of adults have had some symptoms of Piles before the

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Pruritus Ani: causes & management

Itching in skin around anus could be humiliating enough especially when you are in a public place and there is no way to escape. It becomes more troublesome when a

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