US department of Health & Human Services defines constipation as less than three bowel movements in a week. However, it is always better to have a bowel movement daily preferably in morning.
It becomes very important to know causes and some home remedies for constipation as it makes a person prone to many health problems likehe morrhoids, Fissure-in-Ano, Fistula-in-Ano etc.
Signs of constipation:
- Hard, dry, or lumpy stool
- Difficulty in passing stool
- Feeling of incomplete bowel movement after passing stool
- Painful passage of stool
- Need for straining to pass stool
- Passing less stool than usual
- Pain in abdomen
- Nausea
- Bloated abdomen
Causes of constipation:
- Lack of fibres in diet: people with high intake of fibres are less likely to suffer from constipation.
- Deficient fluid intake: deficiency of fluids makes stool hard
- Slow movement of stool in large intestine: when stool passes too slow in large intestine; relatively large amount of water gets absorbed from it making the stool harder
- Physical inactivity: low level of physical activity may lead to constipation.
- Medication: certain medicines like opioid painkillers, anti-depressants, anti-convulsants, antacids, diuretics iron supplements etc. increase the risk of constipation.
- Ageing: as people age; prevalence of constipation increases.
- Change in routine: when there is a change in daily routine (specially sleeping pattern) like when you are travelling there are more chances for constipation
- Overuse of laxatives: certain laxatives are habit forming. So, if a fellow uses laxatives over a long time; he may suffer from constipation
- Delaying the urge for defecation: it will lead to long stay of faeces in the rectum and hardening of stool.
- Colorectal problems: constipation could be a primary symptom of colorectal cancer.
- Other conditions: constipation could be suggestive for other health problems like hypothyroidism etc.
Complication of constipation:
Constipation is not life threatening but it might be suggestive of some more serious underlying pathology like colorectal cancer etc.
Some common complications of constipation include:
- Anal fissure i.e., a tear in anal canal which makes bowel movement very painful
- Haemorrhoids: swollen and inflamed blood vessels of anus
- Rectal bleeding which might be few drops to profuse bleeding making a fellow anaemic.
- Fecolith i.e., impaction of faeces in rectum and anus leading to a mechanical obstruction.
- Lethargy and reduced quality of life
Alarming sign: Sudden onset of obstipation i.e., inability to pass faeces as well as flatus is a medical emergency as it may be because of blockage in intestine and need urgent medical attention.
Home remedies for constipation:
- Increase Fiber intake: high fibrous diet especially rich in indigestible fibers is very beneficial to relieve constipation.
- Increase liquid intake: liquid intake in any form should be encouraged. Liquid content in faeces makes it soft and easy to move in intestine.
- Warm milk in night: warm milk added with some sugar before going to bed gives soft consistency to stool.
- Warm water in morning: 1-2 glasses of warm water activates intestine and help in easy bowel movement.
- Use of Haritaki: with its mild laxative property; Haritaki is very beneficial relieving constipation.
- Haritaki with jaggery: is taken before meal to improve digestion and help relieving constipation.
- Haritaki/ Triphala with buttermilk: In the same way, Haritaki/ Triphala powder could be taken with buttermilk with similar efficacy to relieve constipation.
- Takra or Buttermilk: Takra is compared with nectar for its health benefits on human body. It improves the digestive system and helps relieving constipation.
- Shunthi with jaggery: Like the Haritaki powder Shunthi powder taken with jaggery is also effective in easing constipation.
- Isabgol/ Psyllium husk: is a very good source of indigestible fibers. It helps retaining good amount of water in faeces and relieves constipation.
- Don’t delay: suppressing urge for defecation allows faces to harden so never postpone going for defecation.
- Active lifestyle: sedentary lifestyle is another causative factor for constipation so active lifestyle helps getting rid of constipation.
- Physical exercise: Do regular exercise like walking, running, yoga etc.
If even after taking these measures you are still suffering from constipation; you need to consult a doctor..